Beliefs DRIVE Behaviours - “Tomorrow I’m going to get up and sail around the world”

Jessica Watson 2

This amazing 16 year old, Jessica Watson, sailing solo around the world  on her Ellas Pink Lady is driven by belief, not by rationality.  What an inspirational young Aussie woman!

The prime cultural mistake that unsuccessful companies make is to base their leadership of their teams on a rational model. Yet according to the great sociologist Harold Garfinkel, little about human behaviour is based on rationality. The culture of powerfully successful companies and other thriving organisations is built upon the aligned beliefs of its people.

Is your company like Jessica, where the beliefs of your teams are powerfully aligned with the beliefs driving your company?

Do you know what the beliefs of your team members are?  If not, your company is flying blind’!

The Culture Doctor ® has proven remedies for companies wanting to release the discretionary efforts of their teams by aligning their corporate cultures.

Contact us for an initial consultation.