Would you tattoo your company values into your chest?

Tattoo your values

Honour, Love, Family, Pride, Passion - that’s the thing about values - they’ve got a permanance about them. They are deeply seated, stoutly defended and very difficult to change. This woman (pictured here) would release enormous amounts of discretionary effort if she worked for an organisation that also demonstrated that they had the same values.

So what do you do if you discover that your team’s values are not aligned with the values embedded in your company’s (read organisation if you like) public positioning statement? What if your values as the leader or owner don’t fit with the grand claims engraved on the company’s brass plaque in the foyer?

For starters it means that your company’s productivity is far below all that it could be for all the energy that everyone spends in turning up for work and filling in the day. You’d get no discretionary effort - the magic elixir.

Here are the top ten values of Australian workers in 2000:

1. Relaxation

2. Self competence / confidence

3. Being self

4. Synergy

5. Life / self-actualisation

6. Decision / initiation

7. Generosity / service

8. Creativity / ideation

9. Family / belonging

10. Independence

Do you connect with these? How aligned are your company values?

The Culture Doctor ® has the experience, research base and tools to help you get a handle on your corporate culture at its most fundamental level - its aligned values. Call us for an initial consultation. Your real productivity potential awaits.